amazing portrayal of the character!
amazing portrayal of the character!
woah! This is great! I love the pose!!!
This rendering is awesome! I LOVE how you did that leather!
Thanks dude, I really love painting fabrics.
This is adorable! Love the pose!
I LOVE THIS STYLE! You emulated the 90s so well IMO
YO your lineart and rendering is SO GOOOOOD
BRUH this looks fantasic! The character looks adorable! also great colour palette!
I will say that the arms look quite a bit too small, usualy arms reach below the knees but here it looks like they'd only reach her waste. Everything else about the arms looks great! Even the muscles, and the hands/gloves are really well done, just the size of the arms is the issue.
(Also the head might be too big, but I'm not 100% sure)
Still though, overall, really cute!
thanks !
Yo this is awesome! I love that posing! so high energy and dynamic n shit, your style is charming and looks great!
I think the piece would be a bit better if you had shaded witch colours other than black though. There are certain use-cases for black shading, but I don't think this is one of em. Here it kinda sucks the colour out of the piece a bit. Maybe a purple or something would have worked better.
Other that, great stuff!
I really appreciate the suggestion anything is super useful and I'll look into it. Currently I'm still trying to find something that suits me cause coloring ain't my forte so it means a lot this being said really.
This is so badass! The colour pallete is really well picked and the pose & expression are effective as hell.
yoyoyoyoYO! YO!!!
Illustrator, Character designer, aspiring comic artist, and overall cool-guy!
Street Kidd
The Apathy Academy
The pavement
Joined on 4/22/21